
I will be offering a brand-new 10-week class beginning in January 2023 on Deepening Your Felt Sensing Capacity

(Pre-requisite – some basic partnership experience.) Among other aspects, this class will be exploring:

  • Ian McGilchrist’s work regarding right brain research, and Peter Afford’s application of this work to Focusing (just enough to provide a context for exactly WHY coming deeply into the body is so important, instead of using the typically mystical-sounding, philosophical, confusing and often unhelpful explanations of the felt sense that leave many Focusers feeling uncertain and insecure around this foundation of Focusing.)
  • A 10-minute leading-in to help you truly come fully into your body at the beginning of your Focusing session.
  • Close sensory describing of visual/gestural/sensational metaphor as a way of entering deeply into felt sensing.
  • Lots of partnership practice in deepening felt sensing capacity so you can truly master this skill.
  • And more!

Would you like to be notified when further information is available, as well as when registration  is open?

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Jocelyn Jacks Kahn, Focusing Trainer and Guide, is the instructor.

She is certified by The International Focusing Institute and trained primarily in the traditions of Inner Relationship Focusing and Wholebody Focusing.

Jocelyn is also certified as a teacher of the Realization Process, a spiritual pathway that can be characterized as a form of embodied nonduality, whose insights she brings into her Focusing.

Fully Embodied Focusing

Transforming your everyday life issues
into your personal spiritual path

Drawn from the traditions of
Inner Relationship Focusing & Wholebody Focusing

Please Note:

I am currently in the process of re-working my Fully Embodied Focusing classes. The next series will begin in September 2023. May sure you're signed up to my mailing list to receive further information and to be notified when registration is open.

Click here to join my mailing list if you're not already on it.

"Jocelyn Kahn is a sensitive, wise, and generous teacher of Inner Relationship Focusing. I'm proud to recommend her courses to anyone wishing to become solidly trained in this powerful process for emotional healing and life change."

~Ann Weiser Cornell, CEO,
  Focusing Resources