Start the Journey...

Are you seeking the depth, meaning and forward movement of your life that up to now have seemed to elude you?

I would be honored to be your guide in directing you toward your own inner compass to show you the way...

During every 60-minute session, my role is to guide you again and again toward your own direct, bodily experience of the stuck situation in your life - and away from your ideas and concepts about your situation.

As you are guided to connect with your own experience in this way, you will likely find that:

  • You carry the issue you showed up with in a whole new way. It no longer seems like some immovable force that's bigger than you are - you have room to breathe and a new spaciousness and energy around the whole situation.
  • You have a greater awareness of fresh possibility.
  • There is movement toward what you want to be doing.
  • You have a few quick, easy ways to bring the powerful skills of Focusing into your daily life.
  • The sense of stagnation around your issue begins to dissipate and you experience a brand-new sense of freshness and possibility, meaning and depth around it.

Never worked with me before? Start here...

Before you schedule a Focusing session with me, let's begin by having a 20- to 30-minute complimentary chat about what you're hoping for from a session, as well as any questions you may have about this work.

Click the picture to your left to find out more and, if you'd like, schedule a get-to-know-you chat with me.

Would you like to start with a single session?

You may want to begin with a taste of what working with me is like.

Or perhaps you sense that what you're working with requires only an initial opening, and you can take it from there.

Click the picture to your right to find out more and schedule a single session.

Or would you like to dig in with a series of sessions?

If you sense that what you're dealing with is a bigger, more tangled issue than can be opened up in a single session, you might want to schedule one or more series of four weekly sessions.

Click the picture to your left if you'd like to find out more about scheduling a series of sessions.

"A guided session with you is like a wonderful dessert: you want to have it, but you keep taking your time to start it, so that you can enjoy for a longer time the perspective of having it soon :)!"

Caroline-Morgane Choisy-Rossi
Hopewell Junction, NY